Think Psychologists Flyer Feature 550x400

Spotting stress in your child.

By Dr Nicole Carvill, Child Psychologist. 

Sample copy:
Parenting in a pandemic is unchartered territory, pressing us to juggle more than ever while supporting our loved ones. The uncertainty and constantly
shifting landscape is triggering stress in children that can be tricky to spot.

Changes in your child’s mood, body language,
appetite and behaviour can signal a stress
response and a cry for help.


Craft a topical parenting resource.

In the wake of continued Covid lockdowns, Dr Nicole Carvill sought to create a valuable resource to help parents spot stress in their children.

“Jac is amazing to work with and has been an invaluable support with all of our projects. She is able to quickly grasp new concepts and to translate complex ideas into far more accessible language. I have absolutely loved working with Jac.”
Dr Nicole Carvill
Founding Child Psychologist, Think Psychologists

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